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Tender for procurement of approximately 10,000 electric cars

Posted on: March 21, 2018 | Back | Print

Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), one of the first and largest Energy Service Company (ESCO) of South Asia, has been set up as a Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Ministry of Power, Govt. of India through equity participation of four CPSU’s of Ministry of Power (NTPC, Power Grid, Power Finance Corp. and Rural Electrification Corp.).

Among the other, the main objective of EESL is to implement the Energy Efficiency projects for demand side measures including Street lighting, Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP – LED Bulb Distribution Programme), Power distribution sector, Agriculture/Municipal pumps and Public Buildings.

The latest in addition to these measures is phasing out ICE cars (Internal Combustion Engine Cars) and replace them with Electric Cars. This will result in saving of million liters of fossil fuel every year.

In this context, EESL has already procured approximately 10,000 Electric Cars all over India. Various State Governments and Government of India have shown their interest to procure Electric Cars from EESL. During series of meetings it has been decided that EESL shall procure 10,000 more electric cars to meet the requirements. In the view of the same, it is required to procure approximately 10,000 more Electric Cars.

In the view of above, EESL published a notice under International Competitive Bidding inviting tender under ref no. EESL/06/ICB/EV-CAR/17180370 dated 12-03-2018 for procurement of approximately 10,000 Electric Cars. The notice is widely published and it is available at:

(a)    AFD dg marketing website. Link is: http://tenders.afd.dgmarket.com/ with notice id: 20561302.

(b)    EESL e-proc website. Link is: https://eesl.eproc.in/. E-Tender Id.: 1444 and for accessing, please follow the link: https://eesl.eproc.in/ProductEESL/LiveDoc/ESSLDocs/TenderDocuments/1444.pdf

(c)    Government of India e-publishing system. Link is: https://eprocure.gov.in with tender id: 2018_EESL_302463_1.

(d)    On UN DB website. Link is: www.devbusiness.com with notice id: GN47-03/18.

(e)    In leading newspapers in India.