About Us ITEC Programme


e-ITEC is a modality of ITEC programme wherein training is imparted in partner countries by Indian Institutes online in real time. Under e-ITEC, the classrooms are shifted to our partner countries and tailor made courses are delivered by Indian faculties online/ through video conferencing. The facilities in the classroom required are desired internet bandwidth, telecommunication links and a focal person to coordinate.

e-ITEC Onsite is a customised capacity building training under ITEC programme which are imparted in the partner country by deputing Indian experts/trainers in that country. ITEC Onsite is offered when a significant number of participants from a single country are to be trained on a particular subject.

The partner countries approach our missions with a proposal for training under above modalities including detailes regarding desired area of training, minimum number of participants and classroom facilities etc. The nominated participants by the partner countries apply through ITEC portal and physically join in classes on the given date and time.

The courses offered can be broadly classified into the following categories:

  • Accounts, Audit, Banking And Finance Courses
  • Agriculture, Food And Fertilizer
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • IT, Cyber Technologies & Engineering
  • Education
  • English Language
  • Environment, Climate Change and Renewable Energies
  • Government Function
  • Health And Yoga
  • Human Resourse Development And Planning
  • Irrigation And Water Resources
  • Management And Leadership
  • Management Courses
  • Media and Journalism
  • Petroleum And Hydrocarbon
  • Project Management
  • Quality Management
  • Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
  • SME/Rural Development Courses
  • Smes And Entrepreneurship
  • Specialized Courses
  • Sustainable Development and South South Cooperation
  • TCS Of Colombo Plan
  • Technical Courses
  • Telecommunication
  • Textile
  • Tourism
  • Trade And International Market
  • Urban Planning
  • Virtural Reality
  • Vocational Training
  • Women Empowerment


You can also browse the courses according to streams and Institutes here

Eligibility Criteria

Officials in Government, Semi-Government, Public Sector/Parastatal organisations and Universities/ Schools. Professionals from Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Private Sector and members/employees of NGOs and non-profit organisations. An applicant interested in a course under the ITEC programme should meet the following requirements:

  • Should meet the academic or other requirements set by the Institute for the course s/he is interested in
  • Should be 25 to 45 years old
  • Should have a work experience of a minimum of 5 years
  • Should have a working knowledge of English
  • Should be medically fit

How to Apply for a Course under the ITEC Programme

Follow the instructions under the Apply Now section on the ITEC website. Fill up the online application form.

ITEC Updated Terms and Conditions for Participants

Click here to see the updated terms and conditions for the participants of the ITEC programme. It covers information on the allowances and facilities provided to the participants and also a set of guidelines to be followed by them.

e-ITEC / ITECOnline

e-ITEC is a modality of the ITEC program in which Indian Institutes deliver training in partner countries online in real time. Under e-ITEC, classrooms are moved to our partner countries and bespoke courses are delivered by Indian faculties online/via video conference.

For information, please reach us at  culture[dot]warsaw[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in